preterm baby

  • 网络早产儿
preterm babypreterm baby


an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
Synonym: premature baby premature infant preterm infant preemie premie


  1. A previous preterm baby doubles the risk of a second .


  2. Skin-to-skin helps keep a preterm baby warm .


  3. The artificial womb would allow the preterm baby to receive oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord , providing more natural conditions for the final weeks of development .


  4. The confirmation came after rumours went round that Quinlivan , 21 , had given birth to a preterm baby by caesarean , said United Daily News 。


  5. Some studies have found that women exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide were up to twenty-five percent more likely to have a preterm baby than women in areas with cleaner air .


  6. Some studies have found that women exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide were up to twenty-five percent more likely to have a preterm baby than women in areas with cleaner air . It 's also possible that loud noise from highways and freeways could play a role by disturbing pregnant women 's sleep .
